Wounded Beast

Wounded Beast Georgia Le Carre


Wounded Beast (Gypsy Heroes #2)

Dom's story.

The sequel to Sexy Beast the top 100 International Bestseller.. and the second of a trio of books in the Gypsy Heroes series. Each book has a HEA.

She wanted me. I wanted the pain to go away...

The first time I met Dominic his magnetic arrogance took my breath away. He was everything I'd never expected to have. A drop dead gorgeous Alpha bad boy.
But it was my job that led me into his path and he hit me like a freight train that I never saw coming. Suddenly this complicated man beast has erased the staleness of my terribly dull life and replaced it with a lust for the excitement, danger and knowledge he brings to my life.
He's taken me to places emotionally and sexually unimaginable and I'm deliciously addicted.
Everything is perfect, well almost. Except there's the parts of him that I cannot reach . The parts he keeps locked away...

I wasn't looking for anything other than meaningless sex. But Ella had something that fascinated and intrigued me. From the moment we locked eyes she got my attention.
Fuck it. I should have just walked away, but I didn't. She thinks she can fix the pain. Save me.
But not even her incredible magic can conjour up a potion to remedy that. Or can it?

Romance / Erótico

Edições (1)

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Wounded Beast


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Sexy Beast
Beautiful Beast
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Resenhas para Wounded Beast (1)

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Wounded Beast
on 28/4/17

Nossa, muito bom. Já tinha um tempo desde de que havia lido o primeiro livro da serie, e meio como quem não quer nada li a sequência. Gostei mais do que o primeiro, e com muita expectativa para o próximo. Os irmãos Eden são incríveis. Esse livro conta a história de Dominic Eden dono de um restaurante, que esta tendo suas financias investigadas pela agente fiscal Ella Savage. Ela é bem competente e já no primeiro encontro com Dominic já rola um clima entre eles. Quando ele a vê ele se... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 45
ranking 11
ranking 49
ranking 24
ranking 11
ranking 4



editou em:
27/03/2016 19:23:11

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