World After

World After Lindsey Pogue...


World After (The Ending Legacy)

An Ending Legacy Prequel

A princess with a secret. An outlaw on a mission. A kingdom on the brink of collapse...

The Ending Series was just the beginning. Three centuries later, this is their legacy.

Princess Delphinia knows her mother, the queen of the Corvo kingdom, is up to no good. Del can feel it in her bones, and she's determined to uncover the truth. When her search for answers leads her to a mysterious chest filled with artifacts from the distant past--from the world before--she realizes her mother's nefarious actions are more deeply rooted than she ever could have imagined.

Finlay Cartwright's people have been hunted since the world collapsed after The Ending. An outcast in hiding, he's trained all his life for the day the Corvo kingdom would come for them. The queen, however, has other plans. When the man who raised Fin is taken, Fin will stop at nothing to save his people. But the lines between friend and foe are blurred when a castle servant girl on a mission of her own offers to help Fin with his rescue.

World After is the prequel to a riveting new series in the world of The Ending, The Ending Legacy. If you like unique dystopian worlds, coming-of-age transformations, star-crossed romances, and a hint of Fantasy in your Sci Fi, then you'll love this page-turning adventure.

Distopia / Fantasia / Ficção / Ficção científica

Edições (1)

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World After


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The World After

Soldados do Reino Corvo atacaram um grupo de caça da vila de Jake, escondida na floresta, deixando apenas um sobrevivente com uma mensagem: exigiam, a mando da rainha, que Jake, um dos mais antigos Curandeiros ainda vivos, se entregasse, ou matariam um a um de seus companheiros, até capturá-lo. Não vendo outra saída e sabendo que uma hora ou outra isso iria acontecer, ele se entrega e é levado como prisioneiro para a capital, Cidade Corvo. Fin, o sobrevivente do ataque, um Empata com p... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.5 / 1
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cadastrou em:
21/04/2023 00:00:43
editou em:
21/04/2023 00:01:08

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