Work for It

Work for It Talia Hibbert


Work for It

In this village, I’m an outcast: Griffin Everett, the scowling giant who prefers plants to people. Then I meet Keynes, a stranger from the city who’s everything I’m not: sharp-tongued, sophisticated, beautiful. Free. For a few precious moments in a dark alleyway, he’s also mine, hot and sweet under the stars… until he crushes me like dirt beneath his designer boot.

When the prettiest man I’ve ever hated shows up at my job the next day, I’m not sure if I want to strangle him or drag him into bed. Actually—I think I want both. But Keynes isn’t here for the likes of me: he makes that painfully clear. With everyone else at work, he’s all gorgeous, glittering charm—but when I get too close, he turns vicious.

And yet, I can’t stay away. Because there’s something about this ice king that sets me on fire, a secret vulnerability that makes my chest ache. I’ll do whatever it takes to sneak past his walls and see the real man again.

The last thing I expect is for that man to ruin me.

Work for It is 80,000 words of hot, angst-filled, M/M romance featuring a cynical city boy, a gruff, soft-hearted farmer, and a guaranteed happy-ever-after. No cheating, no cliff-hangers, just love. (Eventually.)

Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Work for It


Resenhas para Work for It (1)

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on 22/4/24

3.5. Um slow-burn, enemies-to-lovers, com personagens que parecem bem reais. O Griffin é um estranho em sua própria cidade, a pessoa com quem ninguém se importa, mas que sempre que pode está lá para ajudar os outros e a única pessoa que ele tem é a sua melhor amiga. Já o Keynes é alguém que se sente estranho em sua própria pele, alguém que está fugindo de algo ao invés de tentar entender melhor os seus problemas. Ambos se encontram em uma cidade pequena e acabam sem ao menos perceber s... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 11
ranking 55
ranking 9
ranking 36
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08/09/2019 22:20:59

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