Wicked Sexy Liar

Wicked Sexy Liar Christina Lauren


Wicked Sexy Liar (Wild Seasons #4)

When three college besties meet three hot guys in Vegas, anything can—and does—happen. Book Four in the New York Times Wild Seasons series that began with Sweet Filthy Boy (the Romantic Times book of the year that Sylvia Day called “a sexy, sweet treasure of a story”), Dirty Rowdy Thing, and Dark Wild Night.

For two people ambivalent about dating and love, they sure get naked around each other an awful lot . . .

London Hughes is very content to surf daily, tend bar, hang out with her group of friends, and slowly orient herself in the years after college. Everything’s going great and according to the non-plan.

But when a wave knocks her for a loop one morning, then Luke Sutter’s flirtatious smile knocks her for another that evening, she veers slightly off course…and into his path. Sure, he’s a total player, but the Why not—it’s only one night is a persistent voice in her ear.

For his part, Luke’s been on hookup autopilot for so long that he rarely ever pauses to consider what he’s doing. But after an amazing time with London, he realizes that he hasn’t been moving on from a devastating heartbreak so much as he’s been drifting to wherever—and whomever—the current takes him. With London he wants more.

Every relationship involves two people…plus their pasts. And as much as she enjoys her fling with Luke, when London learns about his past—more specifically, who’s in it—everything becomes the brand of complicated she strives to avoid. It’s up to Luke then to change some things in order to try and ensure he’s not something she’ll outright avoid as well.

Romance / Erótico

Edições (1)

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Wicked Sexy Liar


(4) ver mais
Sweet Filthy Morning After
Dark Wild Night
Dirty Rowdy Thing
Sweet Filthy Boy

Resenhas para Wicked Sexy Liar (2)

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Em Wicked Sexy Liar vamos ter o prazer de conhecer a história de London, que é a colega de quarto da Lola, e o do Luke, ex namorado da Mia (do livro 1 da série). Apesar das 384 pg eu achei que foi bem curto o livro, e com certeza queria mais um pouco depois do final. Luke é o cara que nós vimos nos livros passados, mas apenas pelos olhos da Mia e dos personagens que narravam. Mas agora temos a oportunidade de saber o que ele se tornou depois do fim do namoro, e com certeza iremos ver... leia mais


Avaliações 3.9 / 37
ranking 38
ranking 32
ranking 22
ranking 8
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Lary Reeden
cadastrou em:
13/08/2015 19:27:48
editou em:
08/12/2015 15:12:43