When a Scot Gives His Heart

When a Scot Gives His Heart Julie Johnstone


When a Scot Gives His Heart (Highlander Vows- Entangled Hearts #7)

Love touched them. Treachery divided them. One night of passion binds them.

Betrayed by her father, Marsaili Campbell risks her life to recover what he has stolen from her. But when she’s kidnapped and wagered away, she has no one to help her escape other than the very man she’s spent the past three years trying to forget—Highland warrior Callum Grant. She once gave her heart and her innocence to the handsome Scot, only to regret her naive decisions. Still, with more enemies than she can battle alone, she needs an ally, even if she must hide the truth of her circumstances from him.

Laird Callum Grant thrust his clan into war for the love of a woman, only to lose her forever. But when the woman he believed dead appears at his clan’s tourney in dire trouble, there’s no denying Marsaili has been alive all this time. With his clan weakened from the years of raids and battles, however, he cannot afford to do anything that would ruin the betrothal he’s made to secure his clan’s future. Yet he can’t turn away from the woman who once beguiled him body and soul.

As Callum and Marsaili embark on a dangerous journey, each touch, each look, each clash of wills reignites their desire in an all-consuming inferno. But the secret Marsaili keeps and the duty that shackles Callum are threatening to destroy them. That is, unless they can learn that love, once truly given, is unbreakable.


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When a Scot Gives His Heart


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O melhor da série? até aqui!
on 8/8/22

Que história! Quando você pensa que tudo fora resolvido, se surpreende com mais uma reviravolta! Foram incontáveis sucessões de sequestros? batalhas? capturas? quando ao final pensamos que o ?felizes para sempre? estaria próximo? mais uma reviravolta! Tudo aconteceu com essa protagonista! Tudo! Vale à pena a leitura!... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
07/08/2022 21:03:41
editou em:
07/08/2022 21:06:49

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