Vengeful Demon King

Vengeful Demon King Nikki St. Crowe


Vengeful Demon King (Wrath & Rain #3)

A Villain Paranormal Romance

I betrayed the Demon King and now I'm paying the price.

I've been locked in the Demon King's castle for weeks. He promised me I'd suffer and now I am. But when he shows up in my cell, a little drunk and still angry, he ends my punishment in the most wicked of ways.

But in the daylight, we still have our problems to face. I summoned Wrath's brother to our world thinking he was going to help me. But Chaos wants one thing: the Demon King's power, a power that I possess.

Everyone wants to use me to destroy the Demon King, but Wrath and I have always had a push-pull relationship and now I'm worried that if we can't find common ground, our enemies will be the least of our worries. We might just destroy ourselves.

With an ancient power and a throne at stake, we have to set aside our differences or it might be the world that goes up in flames.

Note: Vengeful Demon King is the third book in a villain enemies-to-lovers paranormal romance trilogy. You can expect lots of tension, action, twists and hate kissing, and a villain you love to love. Please check the author's website for CWs/TWs.

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Vengeful Demon King


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Wrath & Rain tem meu coração
on 20/4/22

Juro eu amei acompanhar a história deles, acho toda a escrita da Nikki tão leve e tão boa, sinto q mesmo não sendo uma pessoa com muito senso crítico digo que as histórias que ela cria e como ela desenvolve as mesmas é simplesmente perfeito. Wrath realmente passava um ar de todo poderoso e inalcançável mas no momento que botou os olhos em Rain ngm pode falar que ele não se mostrou outra pessoa, amo ele, queria ele pra mim kkkkkk She?s all mine now and sometimes it frightens me how ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
04/04/2022 16:12:51
editou em:
19/09/2022 21:31:47

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