Twisted Loyalties

Twisted Loyalties Cora Reilly


Twisted Loyalties (The Camorra Chronicles #1)

Fabiano was raised to follow in his father’s footsteps as Consigliere of the Chicago Outfit – until the man abandons him. Left to fend for himself, Fabiano is forced to fight for a place in the mafia world. As a ruthless street fighter, he quickly earns his place as the new Enforcer of the Las Vegas Camorra – a man to fear.

Leona wants to build a decent life for herself, away from her drug-addicted mother. But soon she catches the attention of a dangerous man – Fabiano Scuderi. Staying out of trouble and living a normal life are near impossible with a man like him.
Leona knows she needs to avoid Fabiano, but men like him aren’t easy to shake off. They always get what they want.

Fabiano cares about only one thing: the Camorra.
But his attraction to Leona soon puts his unwavering loyalty to the test. Is Leona worth risking everything he’s fought for, and ultimately his life?

Author's note: Spin-Off-Series to my Born in Blood Series set in Las Vegas. You don't have to read the Born in Blood series to understand the book.

Ficção / Romance

Edições (3)

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Twisted Loyalties
Twisted Loyalties
Twisted Loyalties


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Fabiano Cresceu ;)
on 10/6/20

Eu estou tentando até agora processar que o Fabi não é mais Fabi, e sim Fabiano "O Execultor" da Camorra. Ele deveria ser o consigliere da Outfit de Chicago. Hehehe... Fabiano sempre foi um garoto protetor, generoso, amoroso e revoltado com a maneira que o pai dele tratava tanto suas irmãs como sua mãe. Suas irmãs se casaram e tiveram sorte. Mas ele ficou nas mãos do desgraçado do seu pai. Após a morte de sua mãe e o evento que se seguiu do fracassado casamento de Lily, ele fico... leia mais


Avaliações 3.9 / 5.851
ranking 36
ranking 40
ranking 19
ranking 4
ranking 1



Bekah Abreu
cadastrou em:
01/09/2018 14:40:46
editou em:
27/12/2022 16:12:02

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