Too Late

Too Late Colleen Hoover


Too Late

Sloan will go through hell and back for those she loves.
And she does, every single day.
After finding herself stuck in a relationship with the dangerous and morally corrupt Asa Jackson, Sloan will do whatever it takes to get by until she's able to find a way out.
Nothing will get in her way.
Nothing except Carter.

Sloan is the best thing to ever happen to Asa. And if you ask Asa, he'd say he's the best thing to ever happen to Sloan. Despite Sloan's disapproval of Asa's sinister lifestyle, he does exactly what he needs to do in order to stay a step ahead in his business. He also does exactly what he needs to do in order to stay a step ahead of Sloan.
Nothing will get in his way.
Nothing except Carter.

From New York Times bestselling author, Colleen Hoover, writing as C. Hoover.
This book was originally written as a side project by the author. It previously appeared on other platforms under the same title, but has since been slightly edited from its original content and formatted specifically for kindle. Please note that the content of this book is more graphic than the content of other books written by this author, hence the distinction between the names. This title is recommended for mature audiences only due to extreme graphic content. Recommended for readers 18+.
Warning: For readers who might be triggered by sensitive subject matter, this book contains scenes which depict rape, murder and other graphic violence.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Too Late


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on 21/12/21

Uma leitura muito pesada e cheia de gatilhos, mas escrita de uma forma incrível e intensa de um jeito que somente Colleen Hoover é capaz. Comecei o livro sem entender muito bem a Sloan, odiando o Asa com todas as minhas forças, e amando o Luke, mas conforme a história foi se desenvolvendo, eu entendi a Sloan e os motivos dela, e achei ela uma mulher incrível, forte e corajosa. Deixei de odiar o Asa (apesar de OBVIAMENTE não concordar com suas atitudes), e passei a sentir pena dele. El... leia mais


Avaliações 3.8 / 1.476
ranking 35
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ranking 8
ranking 4



Jessica A
cadastrou em:
21/03/2016 21:48:03
editou em:
09/08/2021 05:14:16

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