Throne of the Fallen

Throne of the Fallen Kerri Maniscalco


Throne of the Fallen (Princes of Sin #1)

The adult debut of #1 New York Times bestselling author Kerri Maniscalco, Throne of the Fallen is a seductive new standalone novel set within her fan-favorite Kingdom of the Wicked world, perfect for readers of fantasy, romance, and mystery alike.

Sinner. Villain. Ruthless.

These are wicked names the Prince of Envy welcomes. They remind him what he isn't: a saint. And when a cryptic note arrives, signaling the beginning of a deadly game, he knows he'll be called much worse before it ends. Riddles, hexed objects, anonymous players, nothing will stand in his way. With a powerful artifact and his own future at stake, Envy is determined to win, though none of his meticulous plans prepare him for her, the frustrating artist who ignites his sin--and passion--like no other...

Talented. Darling. Liar.

The trouble with scoundrels and blackguards is that they haven't a modicum of honor, a fact Miss Camilla Antonius learns after one desperate mistake allows notorious rake--and satire sheet legend--Lord Phillip Vexley to blackmail her. And now it seems Vexley isn't the only scoundrel interested in securing her unique talents as a painter. To avoid Vexley's clutches and a ruinous scandal, Camilla is forced to enter a devil's bargain with Waverly Green's newest arrival, enigmatic Lord Ashford 'Syn' Synton, little expecting his game will awaken her true nature . . .

Together, Envy and Camilla must embark on a perilous journey through the Shifting Isles--from glittering demon courts to the sultry vampire realm, and encounters with exiled Fae--while trying to avoid the most dangerous trap of all: falling in love.

Fantasia / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Throne of the Fallen


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Rastro de Sangue: Jack, o Estripador
Rastro de Sangue: Príncipe Drácula
Kingdom of the Wicked
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Resenhas para Throne of the Fallen (13)

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on 21/10/23

Acho que eu criei espectativas demais pra esse, a autora se repetiu demais, tanto em acontecimentos que rolaram em Reino das Bruxas e vemos rolar aqui tbem, como em pensamentos de ambos personagens, teve momentos que eu não aguentava mais ler a mesma coisa que determinado personagem pensava. Diferente da química e tensão que sentia entre Emília e Wrath, aqui não senti por Camilla e Envy e a repetição que a autora usou de naqueles momentos em que vc acha que agora vai e algo rola e atr... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 53
ranking 47
ranking 40
ranking 9
ranking 4
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Maria @booksofmary
cadastrou em:
11/01/2023 11:21:46
Pri Paiva
editou em:
16/05/2024 09:30:13

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