The White Book

The White Book Han Kang


The White Book

SHORTLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL PRIZE. A "formally daring, emotionally devastating, and deeply political" (The New York Times Book Review) exploration of personal grief through the prism of the color white, from the internationally bestselling author of 'The Vegetarian'

"Stunningly beautiful writing... delicate and gorgeous... one of the smartest reflections on what it means to remember those we've lost." — NPR

While on a writer's residency, a nameless narrator focuses on the color white to creatively channel her inner pain. Through lyrical, interconnected stories, she grapples with the tragedy that has haunted her family, attempting to make sense of her older sister's death using the color white. From trying to imagine her mother's first time producing breast milk to watching the snow fall and meditating on the impermanence of life, she weaves a poignant, heartfelt story of the omnipresence of grief and the ways we perceive the world around us.

In captivating, starkly beautiful language, 'The White Book' offers a multilayered exploration of color and its absence, of the tenacity and fragility of the human spirit, and of our attempts to graft new life from the ashes of destruction.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (3)

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O livro branco
The White Book
The White Book


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on 6/3/23

Han Kang é uma das autoras que pretendo ler absolutamente tudo que publicar, por amar a sua escrita e visão de mundo. Em The white book ela vai discorrer sobre objetos, situações e lembranças que a remetem à cor branca. Cheio de relatos intimistas e pessoais, ela vai traçando um caminho, de forma poética, e o leitor é convidado a compreender e refletir sobre as nuances dessa atração pelo branco e a história além disso. Muitas vezes se tratam de dor, vazio e solidão, especialmente toc... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 57
ranking 33
ranking 46
ranking 18
ranking 2
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
23/06/2023 12:11:17
editou em:
29/01/2024 14:31:14

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