The War of Two Queens

The War of Two Queens Jennifer L. Armentrout


The War of Two Queens (Blood and Ash #4)


From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout comes book four in her Blood and Ash series.

War is only the beginning...

From the desperation of golden crowns...

Casteel Da'Neer knows all too well that very few are as cunning or vicious as the Blood Queen, but no one, not even him, could've prepared for the staggering revelations. The magnitude of what the Blood Queen has done is almost unthinkable.

And born of mortal flesh...

Nothing will stop Poppy from freeing her King and destroying everything the Blood Crown stands for. With the strength of the Primal of Life's guards behind her, and the support of the wolven, Poppy must convince the Atlantian generals to make war her way--because there can be no retreat this time. Not if she has any hope of building a future where both kingdoms can reside in peace.

A great primal power rises...

Together, Poppy and Casteel must embrace traditions old and new to safeguard those they hold dear--to protect those who cannot defend themselves. But war is only the beginning. Ancient primal powers have already stirred, revealing the horror of what began eons ago. To end what the Blood Queen has begun, Poppy might have to become what she has been prophesied to be - what she fears the most.

As the Harbinger of Death and Destruction.

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (2)

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The War of Two Queens


(18) ver mais
The War of Two Queens
From Blood and Ash
A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire
A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire (Blood and Ash Book 2) (English Edition)

Resenhas para The War of Two Queens (357)

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From blood and ash... we have risen
on 10/8/22

? The War of Two Queens, 2022. ?To speak her name is to bring the stars from the skies and topple the mountains into the sea.? Situo-me honestamente decepcionada com o mais recente livro da série ?Blood and Ash? de Jennifer L. Armentrout. Não me recordo de quando foi a última vez que um livro me exauriu dessa maneira. Fiquei impaciente com o péssimo hábito da autora de deixar toda a ação para o final, enquanto sufocamos de tédio o livro inteiro. A guerra das duas rainhas? Só se fo... leia mais

Vídeos The War of Two Queens (1)

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The War of Two Queens - ??spoilers??

The War of Two Queens - ??spoilers??


Avaliações 4.0 / 1.582
ranking 47
ranking 34
ranking 14
ranking 3
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
11/08/2021 21:10:36
editou em:
15/03/2023 01:01:08

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