The Virgin Suicides

The Virgin Suicides Jeffrey Eugenides


The Virgin Suicides

20th Anniversary Edition

The national bestseller from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Middlesex and The Marriage Plot

First published in 1993, The Virgin Suicides announced the arrival of a major new American novelist. In a quiet suburb of Detroit, the five Lisbon sisters-beautiful, eccentric, and obsessively watched by the neighborhood boys-commit suicide one by one over the course of a single year. As the boys observe them from afar, transfixed, they piece together the mystery of the family's fatal melancholy, in this hypnotic and unforgettable novel of adolescent love, disquiet, and death. Jeffrey Eugenides evokes the emotions of youth with haunting sensitivity and dark humor and creates a coming-of-age story unlike any of our time. Adapted into a critically acclaimed film by Sofia Coppola, The Virgin Suicides is a modern classic, a lyrical and timeless tale of sex and suicide that transforms and mythologizes suburban middle-American life.

For more than twenty years, Picador has been producing beautifully packaged literary fiction
and nonfiction books from Manhattan's Flatiron Building. Our Twentieth Anniversary Modern
Classics line pairs iconic books with a design that's both small enough to fit in your pocket and
unique enough to stand out on your bookshelf.

Ficção / Drama / Literatura Estrangeira / Línguas Estrangeiras

Edições (10)

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The Virgin Suicides
The Virgin Suicides
The Virgin Suicides
The Virgin Suicides


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The Virgin Suicides

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on 16/11/22

Emile Durkheim ficaria puto da vida de ver todo esse excesso de coercitividade do livro sobre suicídio, mas eu amei! Essa obra não vai te levar a concluir muitas coisas ou te fazer ter certeza de nada, na verdade talvez você termine o livro mais confuso do que o começou, mas ele é arte, lindo do começo ao fim, e apesar de completamente distante e confusa, a obra te envolve e diz muita coisa com poucas palavras.... leia mais


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ranking 2



cadastrou em:
26/10/2015 01:03:00
editou em:
26/10/2015 01:03:37

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