The Two Minute Rule

The Two Minute Rule Robert Crais


The Two Minute Rule

Ask anyone on the wrong side of the law about the two-minute rule and they'll tell you that's as long as you can hope for at a robbery before the cops show up. Break the two-minute rule and it's a lifetime in jail. But not everyone plays by the rules. . .

When ex-con Max Holman finally gets out of jail, freedom doesn't taste too sweet. The only thing on his mind is reconciliation with his estranged son, who is, ironically, a cop. But then he hears the devastating news: His son and three other uniformed cops were gunned down in cold blood in Los Angeles the night before Holman's release.

When the hit is exposed as a revenge killing and the question of police corruption is raised, it becomes a father's last duty to clear his son's name and catch the killer. With all the elements that have made Robert Crais one of the very best crime writers today, The Two Minute Rule is gripping, edgy suspense from the author who sets the standard when it comes to surprising plot twists and powerful characters.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance policial

Edições (2)

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A Regra dos 2 Minutos
The Two Minute Rule


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The Two Minute Rule (English Edition)
The Two Minute Rule (English Edition)
Seleções de Livros
Fortaleza Digital

Resenhas para The Two Minute Rule (3)

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on 28/12/11

Max é um criminoso bonzinho e azarado que consegue a ajuda de uma bela ex-agente do FBI para destruir uma perigosa rede de corrupção entre policiais. Parece chamada de comédia, mas não é. A trama é até bem interessante já que raramente temos a oportunidade de acompanhar um protagonista que não apenas é um ex-criminoso, como volta e meia ainda pensa que a ilegalidade é mais prática que seu oposto. Controverso, claro, porém é exatamente o que chama a atenção - a proposta de colo... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 40
ranking 45
ranking 30
ranking 23
ranking 3
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
15/10/2009 22:06:57
editou em:
17/02/2021 23:05:56

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