The Titan

The Titan's Curse Rick Riordan


The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson & the Olympians #3)

Book Three

When Percy Jackson gets an urgent distress call from his friend Grover, he immediately prepares for battle. He knows he will need his powerful demigod allies at his side, his trusty bronze sword Riptide, and… a ride from his mom.

The demigods rush to the rescue to find that Grover has made an important discovery: two powerful half-bloods whose parentage is unknown. But that’s not all that awaits them. The titan lord Kronos has devised his most treacherous plot yet, and the young heroes have just fallen prey.

They’re not the only ones in danger. An ancient monster has arisen — one rumored to be so powerful it could destroy Olympus — and Artemis, the only goddess who might know how to track it, is missing. Now Percy and his friends, along with the Hunters of Artemis, have only a week to find the kidnapped goddess and solve the mystery of the monster she was hunting. Along the way, they must face their most dangerous challenge yet: the chilling prophecy of the titan’s curse.

Fantasia / Ficção / Infantojuvenil / Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (7)

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians - The Titan
The Titan
The Titan
The Titan


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A maldição do Titã
on 26/12/22

É um dos livros mais sérios dessa série, e realmente não foi um que eu me apeguei muito, mas com certeza os acontecimentos são os melhores. Nesse livros a gente é apresentado a novos personagens, que você vai querer guardar em um potinho e proteger do mundo. Chorei com aquelas cenas, quem leu sabe o q eu tô falando, e a cena de batalha é uma das mais incriveis, sou completamente apaixonada Recomendo demais... leia mais


Avaliações 4.4 / 2.758
ranking 59
ranking 30
ranking 10
ranking 1
ranking 0



editou em:
17/07/2020 22:50:46

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