The Stepdaughter: An addictive suspense novel packed with twists and family secrets (English Edition)

The Stepdaughter: An addictive suspense novel packed with twists and family secrets (English Edition) Georgina Cross


The Stepdaughter: An addictive suspense novel packed with twists and family secrets (English Edition)

É uma tarde normal quando saio pelas portas do pátio da nossa cozinha para ver como está Mia, minha enteada, que está nadando na piscina do nosso quintal. Mas ela se foi. Meu coração para quando vejo que o portão dos fundos está aberto, sua toalha rosa e fofa dobrada em uma cadeira. Eu estava a poucos metros de distância. Por que eu não a ouvi gritar? Quem levou nossa garotinha?
Meu marido não consegue entender como eu deixei sua filha desaparecer. E quando a polícia vier fazer perguntas, gostaria de poder voltar no tempo para aquela tarde normal, quando estava cozinhando lasanha para minha família, a favorita de Mia. Posso dizer que os policiais não acreditam em mim: eles me colocaram como a madrasta do mal.
Só queria poder entender as mensagens que encontrei do meu marido no telefone de Mia: Sinto muito, ainda te amo. E por que sua aliança de casamento foi encontrada no fundo da piscina depois que Mia desapareceu. Ele nunca me disse que estava faltando. O que mais ele está escondendo?
Mas a detetive fica me perguntando onde eu estava durante aqueles dez minutos em que Mia sumiu. E eu não posso contar a ela meu segredo. Pela maneira como ela está olhando para mim, sei que ela pensa que fiz algo com minha enteada. Mia e eu nem sempre fomos tão próximos e às vezes ela me deixa louca, assim como qualquer adolescente normal, mas eu nunca a machucaria.
Eu só preciso que você acredite em mim.

Its a normal afternoon when I walk out the patio doors of our kitchen to check on Mia, my stepdaughter, who is swimming in our backyard pool. But shes gone. My heart stops when I see the back gate is open, her pink, fluffy towel lying folded on a chair. I was just feet away. Why didnt I hear her scream? Who took our little girl? My husband cant understand how I could have let his daughter disappear. And when the police come asking questions, I wish I could wind back time to that normal afternoon when I was cooking lasagna for my family, Mias favorite. I can tell the officers dont believe me: theyve cast me as the evil stepmother. I just wish I could understand the messages Ive found from my husband on Mias phone: Im so sorry, I still love you. And why his wedding ring is found at the bottom of the pool after Mia disappeared. He never told me it was missing. What else is he hiding? But the detective keeps asking me where I was during those ten minutes when Mia vanished. And I cant tell her my secret. From the way shes looking at me, I know she thinks I did something to my stepdaughter. Mia and I havent always been that close and sometimes she drives me nuts, just like any normal teenager, but I would never hurt her. I just need you to believe me. A twisty novel packed with unputdownable suspense about the power and damage of secrets we hide. Perfect for anyone who was totally hooked by The Mother-in-Law, Kerry Fisher and Big Little Lies. Readers are utterly gripped by The Stepdaughter! Wow!! Where do I begin? What an absolutely gripping, intense psychological thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat, flying through the pages and full of suspense!! I cannot wait to read more books by the very talented Georgina Cross who I will definitely be adding to my top authors list!!! A mind-blowing, suspense-filled, psychological, page-turning thriller!!! Goodreads Reviewer Wowser! This was a fast mover. I literally read The Stepdaughter in two sittings and dont know where today went I think I suspected just about everyone at some point Id definitely recommend this book to fast-paced psychological thriller lovers. Its not one to be missed. Be prepared to lose time once you start reading! NetGalley Reviewer Awesome book! I Absolutely LOVED this book!! I liked the characters and the story was so good, the ending got me. All in all, a Great read. NetGalley Reviewer Oh my word what a brilliant book this is, it got me interested from the very first page and soon became a fast-paced psychological thriller which I couldnt put down. It was extremely well written, excellent characters, brilliantly addictive. I was holding my breath until the very last page, all this with an ending I didnt guess. NetGalley Reviewer Took off like a bullet and never let up the whole time Had me hooked from the beginning The ending was amazing I never saw any of that coming Clear your schedule because once you pick it up you wont be able to put it down You will read it again and again because one time just wont be enough. Goodreads Reviewer So good that I finished this book in one go! A real rollercoaster ride type of thriller, fast paced with so many twists and turns in each chapter that will send your mind reeling I was so hooked into the story that I didnt even know I could finish the book that fast! Tropical Girl Reads Gripping, fast paced and filled with twists and turns. I immensely enjoyed this thrill-ride of a book. Had me on the edge of my seat, holding my breath to find out what was coming. Goodreads Reviewer I spent the whole book changing my mind about what happened and who was responsible and did not ever draw the right conclusions on this one. Its a great read and I can see this becoming a TV series. Goodreads Reviewer Had me hooked at page one and soon became a fast-paced thriller, filled with twists and turns along the way A thrilling ride with a surprising ending not many people would predict Thoroughly recommend. Crease in the Spine Books What a debut it is! I was hooked immediately, and the story flowed seamlessly as I was led down a dark and twisty path of secrets and deception A highly enjoyable and compulsive read that kept me guessing until the very end An author to watch. Goodreads Reviewer Great read!! Outstanding writing and it kept me hooked right until the last twist on the last page! NetGalley Reviewer

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The Stepdaughter: An addictive suspense novel packed with twists and family secrets (English Edition)


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