The Song of David

The Song of David Amy Harmon


The Song of David (The Law of Moses #2)

She said I was like a song. Her favorite song. A song isn’t something you can see. It’s something you feel, something you move to, something that disappears after the last note is played.

I won my first fight when I was eleven years old, and I’ve been throwing punches ever since. Fighting is the purest, truest, most elemental thing there is. Some people describe heaven as a sea of unending white. Where choirs sing and loved ones await. But for me, heaven was something else. It sounded like the bell at the beginning of a round, it tasted like adrenaline, it burned like sweat in my eyes and fire in my belly. It looked like the blur of screaming crowds and an opponent who wanted my blood.

For me, heaven was the octagon.

Until I met Millie, and heaven became something different. I became something different. I knew I loved her when I watched her stand perfectly still in the middle of a crowded room, people swarming, buzzing, slipping around her, her straight dancer’s posture unyielding, her chin high, her hands loose at her sides. No one seemed to see her at all, except for the few who squeezed past her, tossing exasperated looks at her unsmiling face. When they realized she wasn’t normal, they hurried away. Why was it that no one saw her, yet she was the first thing I saw?

If heaven was the octagon, then she was my angel at the center of it all, the girl with the power to take me down and lift me up again. The girl I wanted to fight for, the girl I wanted to claim. The girl who taught me that sometimes the biggest heroes go unsung and the most important battles are the ones we don’t think we can win.

Sinopse Traduzida:
Você me esquecerá para sempre?
Por quanto tempo você esconderá seu rosto de mim?
Por quanto tempo devo lutar contra meus pensamentos e dia após dia ter sofrimento em meu coração?
Por quanto tempo o meu inimigo vai triunfar sobre mim?
Olhe para mim e responda.
Ilumine meus olhos, ou eu vou dormir na morte.
E meu inimigo dirá “Eu o derrotei.”

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Song of David


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on 15/6/15

Sempre me orgulhei de ler de tudo, de ler muito, de querer ler mais. Admiro autores que me fazem querer fugir de um livro e esconder-me em algum sítio onde os sentimentos literários não me consumam em demasia; outras vezes deixo-me cair em queda livre, sem suporte, e sabendo que no final irá doer. Eu quero/preciso/necessito dessa dor - literária e sentimental. The Song of David foi isso tudo. Uma dor de fechar um livro e saber que certas lágrimas são necessárias. Porque enquant... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
20/05/2015 16:17:48
editou em:
02/09/2016 01:14:42

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