The Sea Of Monsters - Graphic Novel

The Sea Of Monsters - Graphic Novel Rick Riordan


The Sea Of Monsters - Graphic Novel

Percy Jackson & The Olympians - Book 2

Seventh grade has been surprisingly quiet for Percy Jackson. Not a single monster has set foot on his New York prep-school campus. But when an innocent game of dodgeball among Percy and his classmates turns into a death match against an ugly gang of cannibal giants, things get...well, ugly. And the unexpected arrival of his friend Annabeth brings more bad news: the magical borders that protect Camp Half-Blood have been poisoned by a mysterious enemy, and unless a cure is found, the only safe haven for demigods will be destroyed. In the follow-up to the wildly popular "The Lightning Thief, The Graphic Novel, "Percy and his friends must journey into the Sea of Monsters to save their camp. But first, Percy will discover a stunning new secret about his family--one that makes him question whether being claimed as Poseidon's son is an honor or simply a cruel joke. Featuring a faithful adaptation by Robert Venditti, stunning artwork by Attila Futaki, and sumptuous colors by newcomer Tamas Gaspar, Rick Riordan's blockbuster book comes to life in The Sea of Monsters, The Graphic Novel.

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The Sea Of Monsters - Graphic Novel


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Resenhas para The Sea Of Monsters - Graphic Novel (45)

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on 14/2/24

Nao fiz comentarios por q li tudo de uma vez, ent vao aqui.. mano, achei super fofo o ciclope irmao do percy, é literalmente um criancao q cuida do percy e ama mto ele, antes mesmo de saber q eram irmaos.. fofa a relação da annabeth e do percy tbm se desenvolvendo.. acho q a clarisse pode deixar de ser chatona? talvez. e esse final, socorro, oq foi isso meus amores???? novamente o estilo do livro foi perfeito e me chamou muita a atenção, tem só mais um no KU ent dps vou ler os livros c... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
29/10/2011 18:11:27

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