The Roommate

The Roommate Rosie Danan


The Roommate (The Shameless Series #1)

House Rules:
Do your own dishes
Knock before entering the bathroom
Never look up your roommate online

The Wheatons are infamous among the east coast elite for their lack of impulse control, except for their daughter Clara. She's the consummate socialite: over-achieving, well-mannered, predictable. But every Wheaton has their weakness. When Clara's childhood crush invites her to move cross-country, the offer is too tempting to resist. Unfortunately, it's also too good to be true.

After a bait-and-switch, Clara finds herself sharing a lease with a charming stranger. Josh might be a bit too perceptive--not to mention handsome--for comfort, but there's a good chance he and Clara could have survived sharing a summer sublet if she hadn't looked him up on the Internet...

Once she learns how Josh has made a name for himself, Clara realizes living with him might make her the Wheaton's most scandalous story yet. His professional prowess inspires her to take tackling the stigma against female desire into her own hands. They may not agree on much, but Josh and Clara both believe women deserve better sex. What they decide to do about it will change both of their lives, and if they're lucky, they'll help everyone else get lucky too.

Erótico / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (3)

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The Roommate
The Roommate


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Meu romance favorito de 2020!
on 3/10/20

Esse livro foi uma grande surpresa. Eu geralmente não dou 5 estrelas para romances, porque eu já li muito nesse gênero e é difícil de me impressionar. Porém, esse foi extremamente bem escrito e uma história que a gente não vê todo dia. Tudo começa com a Clara, uma garota de uma família rica e conservadora, se mudando para Los Angeles para morar com o crush de infância, apenas para ter seu plano arruinado e acabando com um ator pornô, Josh Darling, como seu novo colega de apartamento... leia mais


Avaliações 3.6 / 1.001
ranking 22
ranking 43
ranking 28
ranking 6
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
15/12/2019 21:36:14
editou em:
05/07/2023 22:32:18

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