The Prospect

The Prospect Lyssa Kay Adams


The Prospect

A Long Ball Boys Novella

One more summer.

That’s all 21-year-old Bree McTavish has left until she’ll finally have enough money to get out of her seaside hometown where the only thing more famous than the rolling sand dunes dotting the shoreline are the Silver Lake Sluggers. Every June, the nation’s top college baseball players descend on her tiny Michigan town to chase their big-time dreams in front of fans and Major League scouts. And every August, they leave behind a trail of broken hearts and mysterious stains in the bedrooms of the boarding house where Bree works as a cook to hone her skills for culinary school.

Bree hates summer. Hates baseball. Hates this tiny town.

If only she could hate him.

One more chance.

Jax Tanner knows this is it—one last season of summer ball before his dreams of being a Major League draft pick dry up and scatter in the wind like the dunes of Silver Lake. Once a Top 20 prospect, he’s now a wait-and-see thanks to a shoulder injury. If he doesn’t literally hit a homerun—lots of them—the only baseball in his future might be the community rec team sponsored by his family’s hardware chain. But baseball isn’t Jax’s only unfinished business in Silver Lake. There’s also her. Bree McTavish. The sexy-as-hell girl who cooks for the team has bunted his every attempt at finding her sweet spot again after a hot night on the beach two years ago. He has no idea what scared her off, but he’s not leaving until he finds out.

It’s time for a new game plan.

And Jax has never met a change-up he couldn’t knock out of the park.

One hot prospect.

When a grand-slam of a secret is revealed, Bree realizes the only person she can fully trust is Jax. But when new opportunities arise, old fears intrude again. Can she learn to love the game, or will she lose her one hot prospect for true love when the Long Ball Boys pack up and leave with summer’s end?


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The Prospect


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Estupidamente apaixonados

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Parabéns pelo casal horrível
2 weeks, 6 days ago

A cada dia que se passa, eu tenho a impressão que a maioria dos autores acham que para fazer um romance, basta você ter duas pessoas com o mínimo de interação e pouco depois colocar um "estou apaixonado(a)". O casal principal desse livro é tão ruim, que eu torcia para os dois não ficarem juntos. Esse sentimento se agravou quando eu percebi que o Jackson só queria um projetinho de caridade para ter alguém para controlar. ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.5 / 1
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ranking 50



cadastrou em:
14/06/2021 02:17:59
editou em:
14/06/2021 02:23:39

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