The One Month Boyfriend

The One Month Boyfriend Roxie Noir


The One Month Boyfriend

It’s a simple agreement: for one month, Silas is my boyfriend of convenience.
Once this is over, we’ll go our separate ways. It’s fake, after all.

I need some arm candy to prove to my ex-fiancé that I’ve moved on.
He needs his old-fashioned boss to think he’s ready to settle down.
Perfect, right? Except for one minor detail: we can’t stand each other.

Silas thinks I’m a stuck-up ice queen. I think he’s a cocky, obnoxious jerk who’s always trying to charm his way out of trouble – and succeeding.
He’s the beloved golden boy. I’m the awkward new girl in town.

It would be the worst idea ever, except… everyone falls for it.
That’s the thing about pretending to date someone: it looks just like real dating.
And the other thing about pretending to date someone? It feels like real dating.

The heated kisses in my office: fake.
The possessive way he touches me: fake.
The night we spend together in a hotel bed: …maybe not so fake.

One month. Then this charade is over.


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The One Month Boyfriend


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Kat e Silas
on 31/7/23

Kat e Silas são ótimos, até fascinantes, mas sinto que eles deveriam ter dito mais até chegarem ao 'eu te amo'. O livro enrola tanto com coisas nada a ver e o eu te amo veio de qualquer jeito. Também acho que o Evan deveria ter sido demitido da empresa por sua atitude, e é irresponsável uma empresa enviar um homem que abandonou uma mulher no altar para avaliar se ela pode manter seu emprego. A parte que realmente me incomodou foi saber o quanto o Silas fez a Kat sofrer no passado,... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 8
ranking 56
ranking 33
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Pam Lisbano
cadastrou em:
03/10/2022 19:50:08
Pam Lisbano
editou em:
03/10/2022 19:50:35

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