The Night Stalker

The Night Stalker Robert Bryndza


The Night Stalker (Detective Erika Foster #2)

A chilling serial killer thriller

If the Night Stalker is watching, you’re already dead…

In the dead of a swelteringly hot summer’s night, Detective Erika Foster is called to a murder scene. The victim, a doctor, is found suffocated in bed. His wrists are bound and his eyes bulging through a clear plastic bag tied tight over his head.

A few days later, another victim is found dead, in exactly the same circumstances. As Erika and her team start digging deeper, they discover a calculated serial killer – stalking their victims before choosing the right moment to strike.

The victims are all single men, with very private lives. Why are their pasts shrouded in secrecy? And what links them to the killer?

As a heat wave descends upon London, Erika will do everything to stop the Night Stalker before the body count rises, even if it means risking her job. But the victims might not be the only ones being watched… Erika’s own life could be on the line.

The global bestselling author of The Girl in the Ice is back with a heart-racing, electrifying thriller. If you love Angela Marsons, Rachel Abbott and Peter James, you’ll be hooked on Robert Bryndza.

Suspense e Mistério

Edições (3)

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A Sombra da Noite
The Night Stalker
The Night Stalker


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Resenhas para The Night Stalker (3)

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on 2/4/24

É um livro incrível e rápido de ler tal como o primeiro. O Robert é um escritor incrível e dos livros dele não houve um que me desiludisse. Este segundo livro da detetive Erika deu-me ainda mais vontade de ler toda a saga e de acompanhar mais a vida dela, e claro que já vou começar o terceiro livro porque estou ansiosa de acompanhar mais aventuras. Ahh e quero ver onde o relacionamento dela e do Peterson vai parar, eu shipoooo?. Ps: Leiammmm, não se vão arrepender.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 39
ranking 36
ranking 44
ranking 18
ranking 3
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
12/02/2022 20:04:54
editou em:
12/02/2022 20:06:16

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