The Night Circus

The Night Circus Erin Morgenstern


The Night Circus

In 1886 a mysterious travelling circus becomes an international sensation. Open only at night, constructed entirely in black and white, Le Cirque des Reves delights all who wander its circular paths and warm themselves at its bonfire. There are contortionists, performing cats, carousels and illusionists - all the trappings of an ordinary circus. But this is no conventional spectacle. Some tents contain clouds, some ice. The circus seems almost to cast a spell over its aficionados, who call themselves the reveurs - the dreamers. And who is the sinister man in the grey suit who watches over it all? Behind the scenes a dangerous game is being played out by two young magicians, Celia and Marco, who, at the behest of their masters, are forced to test the very limits of the imagination - and of love. A feast for the senses, a fin-de-siecle fantasia of magic and mischief, and the most original love story since "The Time Traveler's Wife", "The Night Circus" is an extraordinary blend of fantasy and reality. It will dazzle readers young and old with its virtuoso performance, and who knows, they might not want to leave the world it creates.

Ficção / Fantasia / Romance

Edições (7)

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The Night Circus
The Night Circus
The Night Circus
The Night Circus


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Resenhas para The Night Circus (70)

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Agora o circo está aberto. Agora você pode entrar.
on 3/8/20

Eu sempre me senti intimidada por esse livro porque eu não sabia que se seria meu tipo de leitura: e super foi. Quando você abrir The Night Circus, esteja preparado para ter uma das experiências mais únicas e atmosféricas possíveis ao ler um livro. A Erin Morgenstern escreve uma história simples de um jeito extremamente complexo, que te deixa no escuro em relação ao que acontecerá nos próximos capítulos, e eu posso garantir: sempre será uma surpresa. Enquanto eu lia, eu tentei pensa... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 484
ranking 54
ranking 28
ranking 14
ranking 3
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
31/07/2011 22:25:09

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