The Monarchs

The Monarchs Kass Morgan


The Monarchs (The Ravens ##2)

These Soriety Witchs Rule

the ultra-exclusive Kappa Rho Nu—the Ravens—are determined to restore balance to the world. After destroying an ancient talisman and barely saving their sorority in the process, they’ll go to any lengths to keep their secret as Westerly’s most powerful coven of witches.

Scarlett Winter, a legacy Raven, has finally gotten what she’s always wanted: Scarlett is Kappa Rho Nu’s newest president. Unlike her mother or older sister before her, Scarlett has a vision for a more unified Kappa, one where no sister falls to the forces of wicked magic. But the powers of the presidency have their own pitfalls. And with the pressures of alumni bureaucracy and past failures weighing on her, Scarlett finds herself at risk of losing the very thing that defined her: her magic.

As a new member of Kappa Rho Nu, Vivi Devereaux finally knows what it’s like to belong. She has her Kappa Rho Nu sisters behind her and, with Scarlett’s blessing, Vivi’s happily dating her first college crush (who also just happens to be Scarlett’s ex). When Scarlett assigns Vivi the coveted role of social chair, Vivi is determined to live up to her Big’s expectations. But Vivi’s studies in witchcraft take a deadly turn when she uncovers a new form of magic, one that has mysterious ties to Kappa Rho Nu’s past and the vengeful demon once tied to their talisman.

With the weight of their newfound roles and the terrible price of destroying the talisman haunting them, Scarlett and Vivi must save their sisterhood when the forces of hell itself and a rival sorority threaten to unleash havoc on the Ravens.

Suspense e Mistério

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The Monarchs


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Resenha: The Monarchs
on 2/4/22

Estou tão triste que The Monarchs não me deu as mesmas vibes divertidas do livro anterior. :/ Fiquei bastante entretida até cerca de 30% do livro. Eu me diverti muito voltando a este mundo e lendo sobre as garotas fazendo mágica e eu realmente gostei de como cada garota estava passando por algo enquanto tentava lidar com os eventos do livro anterior - isso não foi ignorado de forma alguma e eu apreciei Morgan a Page tomando o tempo para explorar isso. Mas então... Tanto Vivi quan... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
31/01/2021 15:59:55
editou em:
31/01/2021 16:00:55

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