The Love Hypothesis

The Love Hypothesis Laura Steven


The Love Hypothesis

An LGBT romantic comedy with a twist from the Comedy Women in Print prize winner Laura Steven, author of The Exact Opposite of Okay. A hilarious love story with bite, for fans of Sex Education, Booksmart, Becky Albertalli's Love, Simon and Jenny Han's To All The Boys I've Loved Before.

Physics genius Caro Kerber-Murphy knows she’s smart. With straight As and a college scholarship already in the bag, she’s meeting her two dads’ colossal expectations and then some. But there’s one test she’s never quite been able to ace: love. And when, in a particularly desperate moment, Caro discovers a (definitely questionable) scientific breakthrough that promises to make you irresistible to everyone around you, she wonders if this could be the key.
What happens next will change everything Caro thought she knew about chemistry – in the lab and in love. Is hot guy Haruki with her of his own free will? Are her feelings for her best friend some sort of side-effect? Will her dog, Sirius, ever stop humping her leg?
Laura is the author of fiercely funny feminist comedy The Exact Opposite of Okay and its sequel, A Girl Called Shameless. The Exact Opposite of Okay was a bestselling young adult debut in 2018 and won the inaugural Comedy Women in Print prize, founded by Helen Lederer, from a shortlist including Gail Honeyman's Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine and Why Mummy Swears by Gill Sims.
Praise for The Exact Opposite of Okay:
'A brilliant social satire . . . disarmingly charming and relatable . . . it was hilarious. Laura Steven is an explosive talent on the page!' CWIP judges Marian Keyes, Kathy Lette, Katy Brand, Allison Pearson, Shazia Mirza and Jennifer Young
'Laura Steven simultaneously destroyed the patriarchy and made me laugh so hard I choked. I will protect Izzy O'Neill with my life.' Becky Albertalli, author of Love, Simon

Ficção / Humor, Comédia / Jovem adulto / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Love Hypothesis


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on 15/11/21

Mano Q Foi Isso Eu comecei a ler o livro pq tava vendo mto hype encima e fiquei curiosa, Aí eu baixei ele e fiquei até os 70% achando q tava lendo outro livro (pensei q fosse o da ali naoseioqdasquantas) Mas enfim, fui nele sem expectativa nenhuma, pq nem sabia sobre oq era (já q era o livro "errado") e eu amei mano Ele junta ciência com romance, e acaba sendo muito envolvente. A escrita prende mto, e parece q passa num pulo, eu nem senti q tava lendo. O final me surpreendeu mas ao... leia mais


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ranking 33
ranking 33
ranking 22
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25/07/2019 14:53:54

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