The Librarian Spy: A Novel of World War II (English Edition)

The Librarian Spy: A Novel of World War II (English Edition) Madeline Martin


The Librarian Spy: A Novel of World War II (English Edition)

Ava thought her job as a librarian at the Library of Congress would mean a quiet, routine existence. But an unexpected offer from the US military has brought her to Lisbon with a new mission: posing as a librarian while working undercover as a spy gathering intelligence.

Meanwhile, in occupied France, Elaine has begun an apprenticeship at a printing press run by members of the Resistance. It’s a job usually reserved for men, but in the war, those rules have been forgotten. Yet she knows that the Nazis are searching for the press and its printer in order to silence them.

As the battle in Europe rages, Ava and Elaine find themselves connecting through coded messages and discovering hope in the face of war.

Drama / Ficção

Edições (1)

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The Librarian Spy: A Novel of World War II (English Edition)


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Um livro forte!
on 5/6/23

Fazia muito tempo que eu não me emocionava com o final de um livro. Sequer me lembrava quando havia sido a última vez, antes de chorar com o encerramento de The Librarian Spy, da autora bestseller norte-americana Madeline Martin. É um baita livro, carregado de emoção, que nos mergulha de volta nos horrores sociais e humanitários provocados pela Segunda Guerra Mundial. E que tem, de quebra, um leve toque de espionagem para justificar o título. Sim, é preciso deixar claro: não estamos... leia mais


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