The Glass Spare

The Glass Spare Lauren DeStefano


The Glass Spare (Seventh Spare #1)

A banished princess.
A deadly curse.
A kingdom at war.

Wil Heidle, the only daughter of the king of the world’s wealthiest nation, has grown up in the shadows. Kept hidden from the world in order to serve as a spy for her father—whose obsession with building his empire is causing a war—Wil wants nothing more than to explore the world beyond her kingdom, if only her father would give her the chance.

Until one night Wil is attacked, and she discovers a dangerous secret. Her touch turns people into gemstone. At first Wil is horrified—but as she tests its limits, she’s drawn more and more to the strange and volatile ability. When it leads to tragedy, Wil is forced to face the destructive power within her and finally leave her home to seek the truth and a cure.

But finding the key to her redemption puts her in the path of a cursed prince who has his own ideas for what to do with her power.

With a world on the brink of war and a power of ultimate destruction, can Wil find a way to help the kingdom that’s turned its back on her, or will she betray her past and her family forever?

Fantasia / Jovem adulto

Edições (1)

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The Glass Spare


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Mundo fascinante. Protagonistas...nem tanto.
on 13/1/19

Faz alguns meses que li esse livro. O fato de eu tentar lembrar dele já diz que não foi "inesquecível" como certos livros tendem a ser, mas não acho que tenha sido uma leitura da qual eu me arrependa. No início, a história é envolvente e promissora, te prende logo com intrigas e relações no reino de Arrod, onde nossa protagonista mora. Wil é a quarta filha da família real do Norte, e a mais jovem dos quatro filhos. Como tal, ela e seus irmãos geralmente são esquecidos, dispensados ??co... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 8
ranking 13
ranking 38
ranking 38
ranking 13
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10/02/2017 16:32:08

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