The Funhouse : A Thriller

The Funhouse : A Thriller Dean Koontz...


The Funhouse : A Thriller

Years after leaving the carnival, her hated first husband, and the child she could never love, Ellen has a new life, a new husband, and two beautiful children, but now the carnival is coming back to town, and Ellen is going to have to pay for her sins...

If you delight in the suspense of Stephen King and Harlan Coben, you'll love "The Funhouse" / [ISBN: 9781472248206] / [ASIN: B00AR49GSG ] - a classic thriller by Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz.

The carnival is a world apart, endlessly travelling from town to town, providing thrills and magic for new kids every week. And the biggest, most popular attraction is the Funhouse - the ghoulish creepshow of ghosts and skeletons, rattling chains and make-believe terror . . . Young Amy Harper is the most beautiful girl at her school, but to her life seems wretched. Terrorised by her mother, Amy's little brother Joey is her only real friend. Their mother's days are regulated by religious obsession, and nights by the bottle and drunken confessions.

When the carnival comes to town, Joey plans to escape his troubled home and join the revellers. But Amy and Joey fall under the carnival spell, unaware that their mother's secrets are buried here and that vengeance for past deeds lies in wait for them in the make-believe world of . . . the Funhouse.

Originally published under the pseudonym Owen West
Dean Koontz was born July 9, 1945 in Everett, Pennsylvania. He received a degree in Education from Shippensburg State College in 1967. A former high school English teacher as well as a teacher-counselor with the Appalachian Poverty Program, Koontz began writing as a child to escape an ugly home life caused by his alcoholic father. A prolific writer at a young age, Koontz had sold a dozen novels by the age of 25. Early in his career, Koontz wrote under numerous pen names including David Axton, Brian Coffey, K. R. Dwyer, Leigh Nichols, Richard Paige, and Owen West. He is presently an internationally acknowledged suspense master. Several of his titles were #1 on the New York Times bestseller list including Midnight, Cold Fire, The Bad Place, Hideaway, The Husband, and Odd Hours.

Cinema / Crime / Horror / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério / Terror

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The Funhouse : A Thriller


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