The Fourth Monkey (A 4MK Thriller) (English Edition)

The Fourth Monkey (A 4MK Thriller) (English Edition) J. D. Barker


The Fourth Monkey (A 4MK Thriller) (English Edition)

Se7en meets The Silence of the Lambs in this dark and twisting novel from the author Jeffery Deaver called a talented writer with a delightfully devious mind. Two days to save her . . . For over five years, the Four Monkey Killer has terrorized the residents of Chicago. When his body is found, the police quickly realize he was on his way to deliver one final message, one which proves he has taken another victim who may still be alive. One day . . . As the lead investigator on the 4MK task force, Detective Sam Porter knows that even in death, the killer is far from finished. When he discovers a personal diary in the jacket pocket of the body, Porter finds himself caught up in the mind of a psychopath, unraveling a twisted history in hopes of finding one last girl, all while struggling with personal demons of his own. Zero. With only a handful of clues, the elusive killers identity remains a mystery. Time is running out as the Four Monkey Killer taunts from beyond the grave in this masterfully written fast-paced thriller. Creepy, scary . . . and impossible to put down! The Fourth Monkey is everything a thriller should bea must-read!Heather Graham, New York Times best-selling author of Law and Disorder A twisted, movie-worthy serial killer thriller.Crime by the Book

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The Fourth Monkey (A 4MK Thriller) (English Edition)


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on 22/10/23

The fourth monkey conta a história da investigação dos assassinatos cometidos por um serial killer conhecido como "o assassino do quarto macaco". o modus operandi dele é baseado na filosofia desses macacos: ?(não veja o mal), ? (não ouça o mal), ?(não fale o mal) e o quarto macaco representa ? (não faça o mal). não vou dizer como ele executa, porque o conteúdo é bem gráfico. mas acredito que voces possam imaginar. o livro é dividido entre os pontos de vista da equipe de investigação, f... leia mais


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