Tender is the Flesh

Tender is the Flesh Agustina Bazterrica


Tender is the Flesh

Everyone's eating human meat. Would you? 'This book will pull you in, take hold, and not let go until you reach the final page perhaps far longer than that. Without a doubt, my favourite read of this year' Christina Dalcher, author of VOX It all happened so quickly. First, animals became infected with the virus and their meat became poisonous. Then governments initiated the Transition. Now, 'special meat' human meat is legal. Marcos is in the business of slaughtering humans only no one calls them that. He works with numbers, consignments, processing. One day, he's given a gift to seal a deal: a specimen of the finest quality. He leaves her in his barn, tied up, a problem to be disposed of later. But the specimen haunts Marcos. Her trembling body, her eyes that watch him, that seem to understand. And soon, he becomes tortured by what has been lost and what might still be saved... Agustina Bazterrica is an Argentinian novelist and short-story writer. She is a central figure in the literary scene of Buenos Aires, where she co-curates the event series 'Siga al Conejo Blanco' and coordinates reading workshops. Agustina has published a short-story collection and two novels, for which she has won several awards. Tender is the Flesh, her second novel, won the prestigious Premio Clarín Novela and has been translated into nine languages and optioned for a TV series.

Ficção / Ficção científica / Horror / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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Tender is the Flesh


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on 28/12/21

Esse livro é excepcional, o comentário social dele é maravilhoso. A escrita é maravilhosa e o final é simplesmente genial. Teve muito mais história do que eu imaginava e me surpreendeu muito positivamente. É nojento, é doentio, mas eu leria de novo pela genialidade da autora. Quem sabe um dia consigo ler o original em espanhol Recomendo a todos com estômago forte! GATILHOS: abuso animal e menção de estupro... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 34
ranking 47
ranking 24
ranking 18
ranking 9
ranking 3



João gregorio
cadastrou em:
11/11/2020 13:51:49
Pedro S.
editou em:
16/10/2022 01:52:44

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