Sweet Ruin

Sweet Ruin Kresley Cole


Sweet Ruin (Immortals After Dark #15)

An immortal assassin is caught between desire and duty...

A foundling raised in a world of humans

Growing up, orphaned Josephine didn’t know who or what she was—just that she was “bad,” an outcast with strange powers. Her baby brother Thaddeus was as perfect as she was flawed; protecting him became her entire life. The day he was taken away began Jo’s transition from angry girl... to would-be superhero... to enchanting, ruthless villain.

A lethally sensual enforcer on a mission

A threat to the Møriør has brought archer Rune the Baneblood to the mortal realm to slay the oldest living Valkyrie. Whether by bow or in bed, he never fails to eliminate his target. Yet before he can strike, he encounters a vampiric creature whose beauty conceals a black heart. With one bite, she pierces him with aching pleasure, taking his forbidden blood - and jeopardizing the secrets of his brethren.

A boundless passion that will lead to sweet ruin...

Could this exquisite female be a spy sent by the very Valkyrie he hunts? Rune knows he must not trust Josephine, yet he’s unable to turn her away. Despite his millennia of sexual conquests, he can’t ignore the unfamiliar longing she arouses deep within him. When Jo betrays the identity of the one man she will die to protect, she and Rune become locked in a treacherous battle of wills that pits ultimate loyalty against unbridled lust.

Erótico / Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Sweet Ruin
Sweet Ruin


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Resenhas para Sweet Ruin (3)

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on 15/1/16

Quem me acompanha sabe como eu sou OBCECADA por essa autora, e principalmente por essa série IAD. Sério eu tô num nível de ficar dialogando com os personagens e pensar no que eles estão fazendo nesse momento hahhaha. O que tem não tem de bom nesse livro: achei pequeno, devia ter uma 800 páginas, mas aí é porque amo a KC, ela cultiva mistérios, não enrolação. Parte direto pra história. Tô me perdendo, vou falar do livro: Chegamos os 16º livro da saga! Essa autora tem a caracteristica... leia mais


Avaliações 4.4 / 91
ranking 57
ranking 31
ranking 11
ranking 1
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
12/06/2015 21:45:15
editou em:
27/01/2020 17:02:52

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