Suncoast Society, Volume 6 [Happy Spank Patrick

Suncoast Society, Volume 6 [Happy Spank Patrick's Day: Fire in the Hole](siren Publishing Sensations) Tymber Dalton


Suncoast Society, Volume 6 [Happy Spank Patrick's Day: Fire in the Hole](siren Publishing Sensations)

Happy Spank Patrick's Day [Siren Sensations: Erotic Consensual BDSM MEnage a Trois Romance, M/M, M/M/M, M/M/F, with some FF, sex toys, HEA] Cali, Max, and Sean are hosting a kinky St. Patrick's Day party for the Suncoast Society. From unicorn shibari photo shoots to crazy party games, it's bound to be a wild night--even if Cali's bondage-loving cat, Baxter, has been confined to a back room for the duration of the festivities. Yet it's not all fun and games. Before the party even happens, tragedy overshadows the evening, driving home the point that life is short and uncertain, friends are everything, and each moment should be fully appreciated. It also brings a lingering, unsettled question back to the forefront for the triad. For tonight, they've been asked to carry on, and that's what they'll do. But as the party plays out around them, will their future path finally solidify in their minds, or will it leave them with more doubts and questions than answers? Fire in the Hole [Siren Sensations: Erotic Consensual BDSM Romance, M/F, sex toys, spanking, HEA] Is Lara's life complicated? Not really. On the evening of her divorce, she dumps her jerk fiancE while at dinner with him, her now ex-husband, Everett, and Everett's boyfriend, Wylie. That's where she meets their hunky neighbor, Brad, and his teenage son, Mark. That's not complicated at all. Dr. Brad Jarred is well aware some people assume he's little more than a Florida Cracker cowboy, but he's actually an accomplished chemist running his family's ranch while being a single father. He loves Lara's spirit...and her strong will. She's exactly the kind of take-charge woman he's longed to meet and love. One thing's for certain: at least Everett and Wylie are rooting for a relationship to flourish between the couple. Now that Lara has the kind of guy she's always wanted, can she be the woman Brad needs? More importantly, will Mark accept her in their lives? And why won't her whackadoodle ex-fiancE leave her alone? ** A Siren Erotic Romance

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