Stroke of Midnight: A Cinderella Novel (eBook)

Stroke of Midnight: A Cinderella Novel (eBook) K. Webster


Stroke of Midnight: A Cinderella Novel (eBook) (Cinderella Trilogy #1)

Money can buy anything. And anyone. As the head of the Constantine family, I’m used to people bowing to my will. Cruel, rigid, unyielding—I’m all those things. When I discover the one woman who doesn’t wither under my gaze, but instead smiles right back at me, I’m intrigued.

Ash Elliott needs cash, and I make her trade in crudeness and degradation for it. I crave her tears, her moans. I pay for each one. And every time, she comes back for more. When she challenges me with an offer of her own, I have to decide if I’m willing to give her far more than cold hard cash.

But love can have deadly consequences when it comes from a Constantine. At the stroke of midnight, that choice may be lost for both of us.

Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Stroke of Midnight: A Cinderella Novel (eBook)


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Comentários sobre A stroke of midnight
on 14/2/24

Juro que quando peguei para ler o livro, só li o título e vi um vestido azul e pensei "É bem isso que eu tô precisando, releitura de contos de fadas". Eu não vi sinopse. Só quando acabei o livro li o nome da autora, e tudo se encaixou. Eu já li outro dark romance da Webster com age gap e cenas sexuais fortes de gosto peculiar, e para um primeiro livro, acho que gostei mais do outro. Pensando em retrospecto, os protagonistas são similares, especialmente a moça da história. A construção ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
15/06/2021 17:48:45
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editou em:
19/02/2024 20:04:00

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