Stars and Smoke

Stars and Smoke Marie Lu


Stars and Smoke

The Hating Game meets Mission: Impossible in Stars and Smoke, a smoldering new novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Marie Lu about a superstar tapped to become a secret agent and the reluctant young spy assigned to be his partner.

Meet Winter Young--rookie backup dancer turned global pop phenomenon. His star power has smashed records, selling out stadiums from LA to London. Now he's bringing his swoon worthy assets to a whole new arena. . .

Infamous criminal tycoon Eli Morrison has just one weakness--his daughter, Penelope. And Penelope has just one wish for her nineteenth birthday--a private concert with Winter Young. When covert ops organization The Panacea Group approaches Winter with this once-in-a-lifetime chance to infiltrate Morrison's inner circle, Winter must use his fame, cunning, and charisma to pull it off--only he won't be on his own.

Posing as Winter's bodyguard is the fiery Sydney Cossette, Panacea's youngest spy. Sydney may be the only person alive impervious to Winter's charms, but as the mission brings them closer, she's forced to admit there's more to this A-lister than slick dance moves and a handsome face. Panacea's unlikeliest partners just might become its biggest heroes--and maybe even more--if they can survive each other first.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Stars and Smoke


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Moon and Sun
on 28/4/23

AMEI ESSE LIVRO, ENTREGOU MUITO!! Amei a relação dos dois e sofri demais com tudo em geral, muita empatia por eles, que história linda. Dei 5 estrelas mais pela experiência e as emoções, porque se fosse pra avaliar de uma forma mais técnica muitas coisas na histórias não se encaixam na realidade, no sentindo de situações que não aconteceriam ou não fazem muito sentido. É difícil criticar nessa parte por ser uma ficção. De qualquer forma, recomendo muito. Leiam!! ????????... leia mais


Avaliações 3.9 / 9
ranking 33
ranking 44
ranking 22
ranking 0
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cadastrou em:
17/10/2022 02:48:26
editou em:
11/04/2023 15:45:37

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