Stardust in Their Veins

Stardust in Their Veins Laura Sebastian


Stardust in Their Veins (Castles in Their Bomes #2)

Immerse yourself in the second book in a fantasy trilogy from the New York Times bestselling author of the Ash Pricess series. The sequel to Castles in Their Bones is the story of three princesses and the destiny they were born for: seduction, conquest, and the crown.
Princesses Beatriz and Daphne have lost their older sister, but their mother's grand scheme of taking the continent of Vesteria is far from complete. With the country of Temarin now under the Empress's control, only the nations of Cellaria and Friv remain free from her rule. What's worse, an ominous prophecy has begun to shine through the constellations: the blood of stars and majesty spilled.

Usurped by conniving cousins Nico and Gigi, Beatriz fears for her life, while in icy Friv, Daphne continues her shaky alliance with the rebels even as she struggles to stay a step ahead of them. But when an unlikely ally offers Beatriz a deal, she finds herself back in her mother's sights.

With enemies around every corner and the stars whispering of betrayal, Daphne and Beatriz can't trust anyone--least of all each other. If they've learned anything, though, it's that the Empress's game is constantly changing. And the arrival of surprise visitors from Temarin just might tip the scales in the princesses' favor . . . if they manage to avoid meeting their sister's fate before they can make their next move.

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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Stardust in Their Veins
Stardust in their Veins


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Castles in Their Bones
Estrelas em Suas Veias
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Resenhas para Stardust in Their Veins (2)

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on 24/5/23

Ai que saudade da Sophie. E eu nem gostava tanto dela no primeiro. Eu achei esse livro constante. Ele manteve meu interesse ativo na medida certa, me fazia querer continuar lendo, mas sem me deixar obcecada. Foi uma delicinha ler ele no tempo dele, aos pouquinhos, assimilando tudo. E do mesmo jeito que foi o livro, agora no finalzinho, percebi que foi assim com o Bairre. O Pas é um amor, o Leo se torna um personagem muito melhor do que eu imaginava em CITB, mas o Bairre... Eu já sabia... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.4 / 11
ranking 64
ranking 27
ranking 0
ranking 9
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cadastrou em:
02/09/2022 02:22:09
editou em:
02/09/2022 02:22:25

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