Snowed In With The Grump

Snowed In With The Grump Kat Baxter


Snowed In With The Grump (Snowed In #01)

An Enemies to Lovers/Curvy Girl Romance (Cuevas Sisters #01)


This year, all I want for Christmas is to not see my ex-boyfriend’s wife flashing her baby bump all around town. When my best friend gifts me a week at a mountain cabin, I jump at the chance to get out of Saddle Creek for the holidays. Except instead of solitude and hot cocoa, I find the last thing I expect: Luca Daniels.

Not only is Luca the hottest guy I’ve ever known, but he’s also my best friend’s older brother. Apparently, he thinks the cabin is his for the week. But this is my vacation and I’m too stubborn to leave. If he finds my infectious Christmas joy annoying, then he can choke on a sugar plum! We’ve never gotten along and could legitimately argue about anything. So color me surprised when we’re snowed in together, and I realize the line between love and hate just might be thinner than the stripes on a candy cane.

Contos / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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Snowed In With The Grump


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Candy Coated Curves
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Muito Bom
on 11/2/24

Eu já havia lido os livros da irmã da Jackie, da irmã do Luca com o melhor amigo dele, e os livros do irmão e irmã desse melhor amigo do Luca. Ou seja: já tinha lido tudo relacionado, só faltava esse livro. E eu gostei bastante. Curto histórias envolvendo proximidade forçada, principalmente se eles ficam presos e isolados debaixo do mesmo teto. Essa história também tem um ar de enemies do lovers, que é um dos meus clichês favoritos, então é claro que eu curti demais essa leitura. Só ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.5 / 1
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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
11/02/2024 00:27:00
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
11/02/2024 00:27:11

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