Slow Ride

Slow Ride Becky McGraw


Slow Ride (Sleeper SEALs #2)

The Sleeper SEALs are former U.S. Navy SEALs recruited by a new CIA counter-terror division to handle solo dark ops missions to combat terrorism on US soil.


Only a month into his retirement from the SEAL teams, Lt. Commander Keegan McDonald was bored out of his mind working at his uncle's motorcycle repair shop. When he gets a call from the commander of a new CIA counter-terrorism unit asking for a commitment to be available for missions as needed, he grabs the lifeline with both hands, hoping to have the best of both worlds.

Keegan is thrilled when his first mission comes fast, but thinks it won't be much more exciting than working at the garage. He has to infiltrate a strip club on the outskirts of the SEAL base in Little Creek, Virginia to find a possible traitor who is leaking intel to a terror group.

To get inside, he signs on at the club as a bouncer, but swiftly realizes the mission won't be as easy as he thought, because Jules Lawson, a sexy waitress there seems determined to get in the way of his investigation. That puts her at the top of his list of suspects, but after watching her more closely, he recognizes the moves of a trained operator gathering information. But who does she work for? Friend or foe?

His answer comes when things go south at the club and Jules saves his life, but then they are on the run together. When they stop to compare notes, they discover a much darker plot is underway at that club, one that might take out the entire east coast if the jihadis aren't stopped.

But considering the self-serving reason Jules discloses for joining the FBI and taking on this assignment, can Keegan trust her to have his six and finish the mission? Or when she finds the targets she seeks, will she go rogue to exact her own revenge?

Each book in this multi-author, branded series is a standalone novel and the series does not have to be read in order.

Edições (1)

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Slow Ride



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cadastrou em:
29/07/2022 00:02:56
editou em:
29/07/2022 00:03:07

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