Slippery When Yeti

Slippery When Yeti Tana Stone


Slippery When Yeti (Monster Between The Sheets: Season 2 #06)

Elena has never fit in. She grew up in Miami, but she hates hot weather. Everyone in her family is spontaneous, but she’s always been a planner. Luckily, her organizational skills make her ideal for the wedding planning job in Screaming Woods. Sure, the name of the town is a bit quirky, but as a wedding planner who specializes in theme weddings, Elena isn’t shocked by much. Until she’s lost in a freak snowstorm and rescued by a . . .

When Fynn was turned into a yeti in the accident that transformed his town and his friends, he abandoned civilized life. Living at the top of a nearby mountain means he stays cold and creates his ice sculpture art away from prying eyes. He’s perfectly happy being on his own—most of the time. But then he saves a pretty woman wandering in the snowstorm.

Now they’re stuck together in his mountain cabin until the storm passes and they can return to their normal lives. That is, if Fynn will let go of the woman he knows is meant to be his.

Slippery When Yeti is a short, steamy romance with an HEA and no cheating. If you like your heroes on the monstrous side with hearts of gold, you’ll love this book in the Monsters Between the Sheets series.

Who says monsters can’t fall in love? In Screaming Woods, anything is possible. Welcome back to the little town turned monstrous by a party potion gone wrong. Your favourite instalove authors are bringing you hairier, scarier, and hornier monsters than ever before in this beastly series coming to your kindle in May 2023.

Contos / Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Slippery When Yeti


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A Bride For The Beast
A Monster Worth Fighting For
His Heartbeat
Watt And Bothered

Resenhas para Slippery When Yeti (1)

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No geral, foi bom
on 11/6/23

Eu curti acompanhar a história da Elena e do Fynn ? uma humana e um Yeti. Ela sofreu um acidente de carro na neve, ele a resgatou e ambos ficaram isolados na cabana dele até a tempestade passar. Até aí estava indo tudo bem, tudo legal. Mas confesso que me incomodou a forma como ela agiu quando a tempestade passou. Na mente dela teve uma justificativa, mas a impressão que Elena passou pro Fynn foi outra. Nem eu iria atrás dela depois disso, mas claro que a mulher iria ficar chateada com... leia mais


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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
08/06/2023 18:17:15
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
08/06/2023 18:17:32

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