Six Crimson Cranes

Six Crimson Cranes Elizabeth Lim


Six Crimson Cranes #1

A princess in exile, the boy she left at the altar, six enchanted cranes, and a dragon from the deepest sea... From the author of Spin the Dawn comes a breathtakingly original fantasy inspired by East Asian folklore and perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo or Tomi Adeyemi.

Shiori, the only princess of Kiata, has a secret. Forbidden magic runs through her veins. Normally she conceals it well, but on the morning of her betrothal ceremony, Shiori loses control. At first, her mistake seems like a stroke of luck, forestalling the wedding she never wanted, but it also catches the attention of Raikama, her stepmother.

Raikama has dark magic of her own, and she banishes the young princess, turning her brothers into cranes, and warning Shiori that she must speak of it to no one: for with every word that escapes her lips, one of her brothers will die.

Peniless, voiceless, and alone, Shiori searches for her brothers, and, on her journey, uncovers a conspiracy to overtake the throne—a conspiracy more twisted and deceitful, more cunning and complex, than even Raikama's betrayal. Only Shiori can set the kingdom to rights, but to do so she must place her trust in the very boy she fought so hard not to marry. And she must embrace the magic she's been taught all her life to contain—no matter what it costs her.

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (3)

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Six Crimson Cranes
Six Crimson Cranes


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Eu PRECISO da continuação!
on 12/9/21

Demorei uns dias para escrever essa resenha pois precisava digerir o fato que terei que ESPERAR UM ANO para continuar essa estória! Vamos as minhas opiniões: Shiori é MARAVILHOSAAAA, uma personagem corajosa, inteligente, carismática, porém um pouco egocêntrica. MAS TUDO BEM! Pois ela cresce, se desenvolve, enxerga seus erros e aprende na base da porrada! Se tornou uma das minhas personagens femininas favoritas dentre as fantasias que já li. A jornada desse livro é incrível, os ensi... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 220
ranking 51
ranking 34
ranking 13
ranking 3
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
27/10/2020 14:23:54
editou em:
27/10/2020 14:24:11

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