Sinful Demon King

Sinful Demon King Nikki St. Crowe


Sinful Demon King (Wrath & Rain #2)

A Villain Paranormal Romance

The Demon King crossed over to our world looking for something. What he found was me.

Apparently I possess part of the Demon King's lost power and now he wants it back. He's willing to do anything for it...including seducing me. The entire world wants a piece of Wrath and I'm the one who gets him every night in my bed.

I shouldn't want him as badly as I do but being around him is...consuming.

And I think he feels it too. As much as the Demon King wants to pretend it's only about power, I've seen the way he looks at me. When we're in the same room together, every glance is sharp enough to cut, every touch hot enough to burn.

But when a secret from my past is revealed, it throws everything into question once again. Now Wrath is looking at me like I'm the enemy, and the Demon King will destroy everything in his path in order to get what he wants.

If he wants a fight, he's going to get one. Because this stolen power I possess? Now I know how to use it.

Note: Sinful Demon King is the second book in a villain enemies-to-lovers paranormal romance trilogy. You can expect lots of tension, action, twists and hate kissing, and a villain you love to love. Sinful Demon King ends on a cliffhanger but book 3 is out now and the trilogy is complete. Please check the author's website for CWs.

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Sinful Demon King


Resenhas para Sinful Demon King (2)

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Leitura rápida e divertida
on 3/5/22

Não consegui largar o celular e parar de ler esse livro, a relação do wrath e da rain é hipnotizante e estranha. O Plot foi absurdamente bom e esse livro é bem melhor que o primeiro, fiquei chocada com o final e mal posso esperar pra ler o 3.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
04/04/2022 16:10:58
editou em:
19/09/2022 21:29:58

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