Sidney Sheldon

Sidney Sheldon's Chasing Tomorrow (Tracy Whitney) (English Edition) Sidney Sheldon...


Sidney Sheldon's Chasing Tomorrow (Tracy Whitney) (English Edition)

#1 New York Times bestselling author Sidney Sheldons most popular and enduring heroineTracy Whitney of If Tomorrow Comesreturns in a sensational sequel full of passion, suspense, and breathtaking twists. Tracy Whitney never thought she wanted to settle down. With her suave and handsome partner, Jeff Stevens, shed been responsible for some of the worlds most astounding heists, relishing the danger and intensity of life on the wild side. But there is still one thing missing from Tracys perfect life: a baby. At first going straight feels like a new adventure. But as the months pass and Tracys longed for pregnancy doesnt happen, she finds herself yearning for the adrenaline rush of the old days. When a mysterious and beautiful stranger enters their lives, Tracy and Jeffs once unbreakable partnership is suddenly blown wide open. Jeff wakes one morning to find Tracy gone, vanished without a trace. For more than a decade, a broken Jeff struggles to carry on knowing Tracy is out there somewhere. But the rest of the world believes Tracy Whitney is dead . . . until a series of murders leads a tenacious French detective to her doorstep. Eleven victims, in ten different cities, over nine yearsall of the cities where Tracy pulled off some of her most brilliant capers. Someone is targeting her, manipulating a series of disturbing events and raising terrifying ghosts she thought were dead and buried. Once again, this clever woman finds herself out on the edge, playing the odds in a desperate game of roulette. But this time, shes got everything to loseincluding the man she cannot forget. Tomorrow has come at last. But it isnt the future Tracy bargained for . . .

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Sidney Sheldon



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