Seal Daddies

Seal Daddies Annie J. Rose


Seal Daddies (seal daddies)

a contemporary romance collection

A sexy Nay Seal and a life in pradise?Sounds too good to be true. Good thing for these five feisty ladies, the luck of the Irish is on theis side!
Book 1: Connor's Baby: Too bad i figure out too late that I can't live without her in mey bed and in my life. I have to find her.
Beg her to take me back. Then I'll make her beg and scream my name again. It seemed like a good plan, till I laid eyes on her. And discover I'm not the only one who was keeping a secret.

Book 2: Brendan's baby
I'm an O'Shea. A businessman, an ex-navy seal. When I start a mission, I complete it; just like I was trained to do.
I will sweep the independent beauty off her feet, I will convince her to stay with me forever. And when her creep boss shows up on my island to try and stake his claim, I will show him that no one messes with what is mine.

Book 3 : Mickey's baby
She tries to tell me she doens't need my help, but we both know that's a lie. I'm a good guy, an an ex- seal who served with honor, but there's no line I won't cross to protect what's mine. And make no mistake about it, Karin's all mine.

Book 4 : Billy's baby
I told myself to keep it professional. Too bad her smart mouth and sweet body are keeping me up at night. She's only here for a couple of weeks. We have a fling, and now I want more. In the middle of our stupid fights and explosive makeup sex, I make sure to let her know that she's mine.

Book 5 : Tommy's baby
My next steps sound like the plot of a bad movie. I check into a seedy motel, I get a job at his pub, I try to pretend like we can be just friends.
Have I gone crazy in the middle of all my madness? We find some semblance of hapiness together once again, but I know it can't last. Not when a man shows up looking for me. I won't put Tommy in danger. I'd rather break his heart all over again,

Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Seal Daddies



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cadastrou em:
08/05/2024 19:13:50
editou em:
08/05/2024 19:14:31

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