Sea of Tranquility

Sea of Tranquility Emily St. John Mandel


Sea of Tranquility

Edwin St. Andrew is eighteen years old when he crosses the Atlantic by steamship, exiled from polite society following an ill-conceived diatribe at a dinner party. He enters the forest, spellbound by the beauty of the Canadian wilderness, and suddenly hears the notes of a violin echoing in an airship terminal--an experience that shocks him to his core.

Two centuries later a famous writer named Olive Llewellyn is on a book tour. She's traveling all over Earth, but her home is the second moon colony, a place of white stone, spired towers, and artificial beauty. Within the text of Olive's best-selling pandemic novel lies a strange passage: a man plays his violin for change in the echoing corridor of an airship terminal as the trees of a forest rise around him.

When Gaspery-Jacques Roberts, a detective in the black-skied Night City, is hired to investigate an anomaly in the North American wilderness, he uncovers a series of lives upended: The exiled son of an earl driven to madness, a writer trapped far from home as a pandemic ravages Earth, and a childhood friend from the Night City who, like Gaspery himself, has glimpsed the chance to do something extraordinary that will disrupt the timeline of the universe.

A virtuoso performance that is as human and tender as it is intellectually playful, Sea of Tranquility is a novel of time travel and metaphysics that precisely captures the reality of our current moment.

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Sea of Tranquility
Sea of Tranquility


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The Overstory

Resenhas para Sea of Tranquility (25)

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He has a sense of waiting for something. But what?
on 14/2/24

Comecei esse livro sem ter ideia sobre o que seria esse livro. Por esse motivo eu fiquei muito toda confusão e o fato de não sabermos nada no começo me fez ficar muito imerso na leitura e ansioso pra entender tudo. Gostei bastante da escrita e todas discussões filosicas sobre solidão, pandemia, morte e humanidade. Sinto que a autora conseguiu desenvolver tudo de uma forma muito interessante, fluída e com muito profundidade. Como disse anteriormente estava muito ansioso para o plot, ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 117
ranking 46
ranking 40
ranking 11
ranking 3
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cadastrou em:
09/05/2024 20:44:32
editou em:
09/05/2024 20:44:45

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