Rotanev: A Standalone Poseidon Tale

Rotanev: A Standalone Poseidon Tale Lexi C. Foss


Rotanev: A Standalone Poseidon Tale

Kailiani Mikos
My life is a mess.

One minute, I’m on my way to graduating, and the next, I find out my mother handed me over as collateral to a loan shark.

Now I’m standing inside a fancy hotel suite in a tiny little dress, auditioning to become an escort for Jasmine Black Incorporated.

That’s when I see him. God in a suit. Ocean-blue eyes. Dark, wavy hair. All sensual lines and hard masculinity.
Nero Rotanev.
He sets my blood on fire with a single glance. So when he asks if I will kneel for him, I eagerly agree.

Only something isn’t right here.
I feel as though I’ve known him for eternity.
Except that’s impossible, right?

Who are you really, Mister Rotanev?
And why have you chosen me?

Nero Rotanev
Mortals call me Poseidon. Neptune. God.

Kailiani was meant to call me her soul mate. Ah, but my darling little siren disappeared before I could claim her. And I’ve been hunting her ever since.

However, my scouts have finally found her in the Human Realm.
Hiding among the mortals.
How quaint.

That won’t stop me from destroying her. My sweet siren is going to crawl and beg for my mercy. Oh, but I can’t wait to watch her bleed.

Kailiani will pay for her sins.
And the wrath of the seas will drown her for eternity.

Prepare to kneel, little one.
For no one can outswim me.
Not even a sweet little siren created by the stars.

Author’s Note: Rotanev is a 34k word standalone paranormal romance featuring a furious Poseidon and his runaway siren. It’s a contemporary tale twisted with mythology and dark fantasy undertones, and it's not related to any of Lexi's ongoing series. This is just for fun. A hot little novella to heat up your eReader.

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Rotanev: A Standalone Poseidon Tale


Resenhas para Rotanev: A Standalone Poseidon Tale (5)

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on 1/11/21

Bom, primeiro os pontos fortes: Essa Lexi tem muita criatividade erótica kkkkk Me senti num filme pornô... E a estória em volta de Liani é exatamente disso. Ele tem uma possessividade q chega a causar arrepios... Deliciosamente delicioso. A Primeira noite deles me deixou tensa mas, Se não tivesse sido bom, ela não teria chegado ao ápice... Por assim dizer kkkk. Misturar mitologia com realidade é sempre algo complicado em um livro... Ainda mais em um livro tão curtinho. Apesar da es... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
26/10/2021 16:04:40
editou em:
26/10/2021 16:05:56

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