Rejected By My Alpha Mate

Rejected By My Alpha Mate Jaymin Snow


Rejected By My Alpha Mate (The Rejection Series #1)

A Rejected Mate Shifter Romance

I've been through gloom and doom, but I never forget to climb my way up.

I was born a mistake, an unwanted hybrid. I act tough, but inside I'm soft to survive.

All I need is a savior. And here he comes.

As my fated mate, he triggers my innermost desire to love, but he loathes and rejects me like I'm worthless.

His rejection is killing me both spiritually and physically.

I'm disillusioned, yet he keeps spying on me and warns me to stay away from another man. He must be hiding things from me.

It catches me off guard when a female shifter from his pack is murdered, and I become the target.

I'm told he's the manipulator, but he proves that I was fooled and used against him.

Being a scapegoat and hunted down is horrible enough, but getting kidnapped is the final straw...

Will I go down in flames, or rise up like a phoenix?

Rejected By My Alpha Mate is a standalone book in The Rejection Series. It's a full-length romance packed with heart and heat! !
No cheating or cliffhangers and a satisfying happily ever after.

Edições (1)

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Rejected By My Alpha Mate


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Ai eu sou tão sofrida...
on 18/4/24

Li esse livro porque sempre vejo esses títulos enormes e capas meio duvidosas no KU e acabei dando uma chance... E por incrível que pareça, eu gostei. Claro que não é um livro 5 estrelas, mas definitivamente me ajudou a sair da ressaca literária. A história envolve Seline e Austin, que são companheiros destinados. Seline é a líder da coitadolândia, porque nunca vi uma mulher ser tão humilhada que nem essa coitada. Austin a rejeita alegando que jamais transformaria uma híbrida em fêmea ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.0 / 16
ranking 19
ranking 13
ranking 44
ranking 19
ranking 6



cadastrou em:
14/09/2023 21:51:23
editou em:
14/09/2023 21:52:01

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