Redeeming 6

Redeeming 6 Chloe Walsh


Redeeming 6 (Boys of Tommen #4)

I'm saving you, six.

With his world unraveling around him, and pressure rising at home, Joey Lynch's life has never been in more turmoil. Desperate to prove himself worthy of the only person hs's ever put his trust in, Joey fights to stay away from a world that threatens to destroy everything. But with the odds stacking against him by the day, can he keep his head above water?

Unwilling to give up on the boy she loves, Aoife Molloy fights to save her best friend from the edge of self-destruction. Drowning in a world she doesn't understand, with only her heart to guide her, Aoife refuses to turn her back on Joey, no matter how badly the odds are stacked against them.

Through heartbreak and horror, Aoife and Joey have had each others backs, and this time is no different.

Come what may.

Irrevocable life changing circumstances, unexpected additions, new schools, and healing hearts all come together in Redeeming 6, the explosive finale for Ballylaggin's hotheaded lovers.

This is your comeback, kid.

Based in Ireland, the Boys of Tommen series is bound to captivate and lure you into the world of rugby, hurling, love, and teenage heartbreak.

* Warning *

Some scenes in this book may be extremely upsetting for some readers. Due to its bad language, mature themes, and potentially triggering scenes, Redeeming 6 is recommended for mature readers.

Esportes / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (3)

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Redeeming 6
Redeeming 6
Redeeming 6


(4) ver mais
Binding 13
Keeping 13
Saving 6
Taming 7

Resenhas para Redeeming 6 (99)

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on 26/3/23

Vivo e respiro joeyaoife desde b13 e acompanhar a história deles até terem o final feliz que mereciam foi uma experiência incrível! mas apesar de ter gostado desse livro não amei como fiz com saving 6. enquanto tava lendo fiquei frustrada com o rumo que a história ia tomando até uns 40/50% eu tava perto de arrancar meus cabelos de tanta irritação e tédio, era literalmente os mesmos diálogos reciclados que eles tiveram em s6 parecia um loop. sem falar que esse livro não teve nada mto n... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.6 / 575
ranking 71
ranking 25
ranking 3
ranking 1
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cadastrou em:
07/02/2023 00:22:21
editou em:
02/04/2023 18:37:18

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