Reaper Hospital: Code Stubborn Doctor

Reaper Hospital: Code Stubborn Doctor Lacey Carter Andersen


Reaper Hospital: Code Stubborn Doctor (Their Reaper #3)

There are worse things than death…

With my possessive god, my hot shifter, and my stubborn vampire, I felt a kind of safety and peace I never imagined in this life. We began to feel like a family.

But all of that is gone now.

They hate my kind. If they learn the truth about what I am, they’ll kill me. And if I can’t stop the other reapers from killing a shifter alpha, my wolf is dead. What’s more, my fallen god has angered his own kind and they intend to unleash chaos into our world, and into his life.

In other words, the three men I’ve grown to care about need me right now. I could be the one person that can stand between them and life or death. But to save them, my secret will need to be revealed and this secret will destroy anything between us.

So unless I come up with another plan, I’ll lose my men, one way or another.

I guess this reaper needs to start thinking.

REAPER HOSPITAL: CODE STUBBORN DOCTOR is the third full book in the Their Reaper series. So, if you like steamy paranormal reverse harem romance, sexy doctors, nurses, and bosses, preorder your copy now and dive into this exciting new world!

Fantasia / Horror

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Reaper Hospital: Code Stubborn Doctor


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3 weeks, 6 days ago

Início: 13/05/2024 Fim: 16/05/2024 ? ? ? ?? ? Gostei, mas este livro não foi nada de mais. Foi tudo muito rápido e estava à espera que acontecesse mais alguma coisa ou que se explicassem algumas coisas.... leia mais


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Kamui Leo
cadastrou em:
16/11/2023 19:12:04
Kamui Leo
editou em:
16/11/2023 19:12:27

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