Pirate Girls

Pirate Girls Penelope Douglas


Pirate Girls (Hellbent #2)

She's the daughter of Jared Trent. He's the son of Madoc Caruthers...

Kade and Hunter Caruthers.

Brothers. Twins.

My cousins.

In a way, they're my family. Protective. Indulgent. My best friends. But there was something else there, too. That ever-present whisper that reminded me more as I got older that we didn't actually share any blood.

They used to be inseparable. We all were, but not anymore. I don't know why Hunter left or why he joined a rival team in Weston-that Rebel town across the river-to stand on the opposite side of the field from his brother, but Kade is out for blood now and Hunter has finally decided to engage.

Rivalry Week.

Parades. Parties. Pranks.

And the Prisoner Exchange.

Weston will send a hostage to our school, and they're taking me. I'm Hunter's for two weeks. In a dilapidated brownstone on a nearly abandoned street with almost no supervision.

Ten days in an enemy school. Fourteen nights in a town full of bullies with no curfews and no rules.

And Hunter has no intention of protecting his little cousin anymore.

The Pirates will come for me. How can they not? A Pirate never sits out on the fun.

But I never needed protection or rescue, because a Pirate never runs, either.

*PIRATE GIRLS is a new adult romance suitable for readers 18+

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Pirate Girls


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?I was born for her.?
on 22/4/24

Eu juro por Deus que se esse plot todo da winslet não existisse eu com certeza teria largado esse livro em uns 30%, a dylan foi mais interessante em falls boys do que aqui mano como isso é possível, ela realmente só foi ter mais presença lá pros 60% desse livro achei o cúmulo. O hunter parecia um pamonha nossa senhora que homem tonho (tudo bem eu tive dó dele em várias cenas porque ainda tenho um coração em mim), tinha umas cenas que parecia que tanto ele quanto a dylan tinham uns 12 a... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
14/04/2024 20:20:41
editou em:
14/04/2024 20:21:41

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