Percy Jackson and the Olympians - The Battle of the Labyrinth

Percy Jackson and the Olympians - The Battle of the Labyrinth Rick Riordan


Percy Jackson and the Olympians - The Battle of the Labyrinth

Percy Jackson and the Olympians #4

Honestly, blowing up another school was the last thing I wanted to do. As the son of a Greek god, I've had my share of near-death disaster. This summer, I didn't choose to battle the cheerleading squad, but when two hissing she-devils with fangs are heading straight for you, what's a half-blood meant to do? That was just the beginning. This is the one where my arch-enemy, Luke, is looking for a way to invade our camp via an ancient labyrinth. If he succeeds, thousands of bloodthirsty monsters will attack. So it's goodbye sunshine, hello darkness as four of us descend into the terrifying underground and beyond.

Fantasia / Infantojuvenil / Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira / Ficção

Edições (6)

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians - The Battle of the Labyrinth
The Battle of the Labyrinth
The Battle of the Labyrinth
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - The Battle of the Labyrinth


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on 23/9/21

Antes de mais nada, acho válido dizer que eu só estou escrevendo essa resenha, porque é mania minha mesmo. Se você gosta da série do Percy Jackson, não existe razão para abandonar no meio do caminho! Esse, o quarto livro, é mais pesado do que os anteriores e dá para sentir que a história está ficando cada vez mais séria. Gostei bastante de como o enredo se desenvolveu e de todo o labirinto, admito, mas minha parte favorita ainda foi o Nico. A única coisa que eu acho que precisava te... leia mais


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