One Night Only

One Night Only Catherine Walsh


One Night Only

Who could have predicted this? Being at the same wedding. In Ireland. There’s a reason one-night stands are one-night stands. You’re not supposed to see each other again, especially not when you’re the maid of honor, and he’s the groom’s brother…

Sarah Anderson has never been more excited about anything in her life. She’s going to her best friend’s wedding. And not just any wedding. An Irish wedding. Goodbye New York, hello rolling green hills and men with beautiful accents and twinkling eyes.

But Sarah should have known that not all guests are fairy-tale princes…

There’s the chinless Uncle Trevor, whose idea of small talk is to claim climate change is a conspiracy.

Then there’s Great Aunt Eileen, who doesn’t talk at all (she’s too busy replacing the hotel cutlery with her own set).

Worst of all, there’s Declan Murphy. Best man. Brother of the groom. And the man Sarah last saw naked.

Is there anything more mortifying than bumping into a one-night stand halfway across the world? Especially as Declan seems determined to embarrass Sarah at every turn. At least when the wedding’s over she’ll never have to see him again.

But, back in New York, Sarah finds the more she tries to forget Declan, the more she can’t shake the thought of that infuriatingly charming smile and the way he wears a tux…

Was he really just for one night only, or might Declan Murphy be The One?

Prepare to laugh until you cry with this perfect feel-good romantic comedy about taking a chance on love. Fans of Sophie Ranald, Sophie Kinsella and Marian Keyes won’t be able to put this down!


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One Night Only


Resenhas para One Night Only (11)

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on 6/4/23

Faz mais de um mês que terminei essa leitura e para ser sincera só me lembro vagamente do que acontece. Nem o nome dos personagens eu lembro mais (cheguei a essa conclusão lendo as resenhas) Então...acho que não é memorável. Não é ruim, eu só não lembro das coisas mesmo. Culpa da minha memória de Dory. Mas eu toparia ler outra coisa da autora para tentar dar uma segunda chance.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 59
ranking 19
ranking 49
ranking 31
ranking 2
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cadastrou em:
16/07/2021 19:14:15
editou em:
16/07/2021 19:19:39

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