One Apocalypse

One Apocalypse Kristy Cunning


One Apocalypse (The Dark Side #4)

The life goals have stacked up since I started this journey as a sad, lonely little ghost. I’m not sure how things escalated so quickly from trying to be seen and heard, to bearing the weight of the world on my vain little shoulders.
As a result, my goals have gotten a little more serious…

Goal #14: Learn to take a hit without breaking or suffering some type of death.

Goal #15: Decide once and for all if I’m going to save or destroy the world. I’m not sure why people put this sort of responsibility on hell-spawn like me.

Goal #16: Practice my evil laugh, because all hell-spawn need a good evil laugh.

Goal #17: Find and kill all the unicorns. Mwahahahahaha.

Goal #18: Live to enjoy forever with the guys I sacrificed all my memories to save.

Goal #19: No matter what, they don’t get to die. Or I really will be THE Apocalypse.

We’re the most screwed up collection of antiheroes the world has ever seen, because the only thing that makes me want to save the world is knowing I could lose my boys forever if I don’t. It’s one HELL of a love story, you know?


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One Apocalypse


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Resenhas para One Apocalypse (17)

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Existe um equilíbrio perfeito para todos
on 22/12/20

Romance: 95% Drama: 20% ( Somente dos bons) Comédia: 55% ( Muita, e da melhor qualidade) Dark: 40% Hot: 40% Ação: 35% Okay vou avisar que essa resenha é um arremato geral de toda a série, já que como li tudo não vou fazer uma resenha pra cada porque: bem tanto faz, pode considerar preguiça mesmo. Ah e vai ser longa. Four psychos, não tem tipo nada a ver com o título, pq genteeee eles não são psicopatas( pelo menos no livro um) lá no livro dois vc até tem um leve esclarecimento, mas ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 144
ranking 31
ranking 41
ranking 17
ranking 6
ranking 5



cadastrou em:
01/12/2018 15:39:47
Brenda Miranda
editou em:
12/06/2021 21:51:51

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